Our Dog

I love our chocolate Labrador retriever. She is around 2 years old.

Her name is Leeta, and she loves to play keep away. She grabs many things she should not grab. She grabs socks and does not give them back easily.

She also likes to shred paper towel and then eat the shreds.

If you are playing tug of war, she will lay down with the rope in her mouth and you can drag her across the carpet. When you get to the other side of the floor, you can lay down and hold onto the rope, and she will drag you to the other side of the floor. If she stops in the middle of the floor, it is because she is feeling lazy, and wants you to drag her more.

She can do tricks like shake a paw, sit, stay, and lay down. She does those if you tell her to.

She likes to lay on the couch with you. She will also sleep with you, but she will go under the blankets and snuggle up to your legs.

I really love our dog.

By Jos

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